Dr. John Sconzo
John’s passion for good food has only grown since his youth, drawing on his NYC upbringing and Italian-American heritage.
John is a graduate of Dartmouth, and attended medical school at Columbia University, specializing in anesthesiology. He has practiced in the upstate NY area for over 25 years.
With food as his passion, John has taken many trips to different culinary destinations, shows, and events, frequently bringing members of his family. He counts many legendary chefs and food writers as friends. Docsconz.com, is the blog where he chronicles his travels, which is a fascinating read in all things culinary and slow food related.
John is concerned about the local food economy, and food policy on a national scale. He can be seen frequently attending the different local farmers markets, conversing with the vendors, many who call him by name. His is also the co-founder/treasurer of Slow Food Saratoga Region.